e-ISSN: 2788-9807
Aesthetic abdominoplasty is not a correction of figures, but a concern for health and beauty
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Azerbaijan Medical University Journal


One of the branches of medicine in our time is aesthetic abdominoplasty - cosmetic surgery. Doctors familiarize the general population with how to protect health, avoid diseases, explain why it is necessary to strictly observe the daily regimen and food culture. Beauty salons, procedural SPA, visits to a plastic surgeon in the past were available only for the elite, who saw in their beauty the key to success in society and enrichment. Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has ceased to be the privilege of the elite and is becoming available to all women, regardless of their age and occupation or place in society. It is necessary for a woman to be critical of the aesthetic imperfections of her appearance. As for the rest, she has every opportunity to eliminate these shortcomings, because the advice of plastic surgeons, nutritionists, sports is available to everyone. You just need to have the will and the desire to be beautiful.

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Aesthetic abdominoplasty
body shaping
health and beauty care Estetik Abdominoplastika
bədən quruluşu
sağlamlıq və gözəllik baxımı Эстетическая абдоминопластика
коррекция фигуры
забота о здоровье и красоте