e-ISSN: 2788-9807
Clinical course of enterovirus infection without damage to the central nervous system
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Azerbaijan Medical University Journal


At the present stage, the problem of enterovirus infection (EVI) does not lose its relevance and is due to the wide spread of enteroviruses, high resistance in the external environment, the lack of specific prophylaxis, as well as the possibility of the formation of virus carriers, which conceals a constant threat of both sporadic and mass diseases (Botvinyeva V V., 2012; Demina A.V., 2009). A variety of clinical manifestations with the absence of a clear dependence on the serological type of the pathogen, a high frequency of asymptomatic forms of EVI, long-term virus carriers, the absence of specific methods of prevention, make EVI an uncontrollable disease (Anokhin V.A., 2014; Begaidarova R.Kh., 2013)

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enterovirus infection
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